There's a remedy available called "Awesome Horse, Colic Remedy" which can save your horse and your investment!

Awesome Horse Colic can be safely administered anytime your horse displays colic symptoms. Since Awesome Horse Colic Remedy is derived from herbs, there are no side effects and you should never hesitate administering the remedy in the event you are not sure your horse has colic. In horses, abdominal pain can easily be mistaken as foaling, tying up or kidney/bladder problems in which case your horse could also derive a certain amount of health benefits.
What does Awesome Horse, Colic Remedy do?
Awesome Horse Colic Remedy dilates the blood vessels restoring blood flow in over 90 percent of horse colic cases. When blood flow is restored, all signs of shock will disappear. Restored blood flow in turn gets the gut moving therefore diminishing any chance of ileus. Whenever blood flow is constricted anywhere in the body, that part of the body starts to die, the length of time blood flow is restricted to the intestines determines the amount of damage toward the intestine's ability to function correctly again.
Awesome Horse Colic Remedy isn't real cheap at around $80 per kit, but then again the average vet charge for a visit and treatment for common colic is usually $200 - $300. Awesome Horse Colic Remedy can be stored indefinitely and should be kept in several places for quick and easy access in case of a horse colic emergency.
In the event your horse is not up and responding well within the first hour after you have administered Awesome Horse Colic Remedy, it is highly probable your horse has twisted gut and is amongst the 5 to 7 percent of colic cases requiring surgery each year. You will know to call your vet immediately.
Incidentally, the average cost of this surgical procedure tends to be $3000 - $7000. Studies show only 50 percent of horses ever leave the hospital after colic surgery.
Awesome Horse Colic Remedy can be purchased directly from here:
I don't think this product is available any more ?